Smart lighting
It’s available everywhere, from your local hardware store to online mega stores. They offer various types of Smart Lighting, even lighting controlled by Google Home or Alexa!
So, what is the difference between Smart Lighting and Forest-Smart Lighting? Smart Lighting from Forest Security does everything the lighting from your big box store does, but it goes one step further, it integrates with your security system. This takes it from convenience to real added security for your home.
Someone tries to break into your garage in the middle of the night. Your alarm goes off and your house lights turn on, enough to scare off intruders…
Smart Switch
Smart Wall Switch lets you choose your lightbulbs.
Off-the-shelf smart lightbulbs are expensive because the ‘smart’ technology lives in the bulb. While great to install as special features, they’re expensive to equip your whole home with.
With Forest smart switches, the technology lives in the wall switch. Once that’s installed, your smart lights can incorporate a huge range of bulbs, from specialist LED bulbs to cheap fluorescent. That’s great value, especially when you have multiple lights controlled by the same switch.
Smart LED Bulb
Smart LED Dimmable Bulb – Only 9 watts of energy compares to a 60 watt incandescent bulb. Fully integrated with security alarm system and also has the ability to set schedules and remotely turn lighting on or off. Intelligent Lighting provides an extra layer of security!
Smart Control Modules
A Smart Plug simply turns things on and off, but – when connected to a smart home platform – becomes a very versatile device.
Controlled by your Forest Security app, a smart plug lets you turn on and off any appliance that plugs into a standard wall socket. You can actively control it, or automate it so that it reacts to schedules and triggers from your security system.
Simply plug it into any wall socket, then plug your chosen appliance into it. You can use it with a lamp, a TV, a cable box, a coffee machine—whatever you like.
What can it do for my smart home?
Smart plugs are a versatile building block of the smart home, with many uses:
Security: When you plug a lamp into a smart plug, it becomes a smart light with home security benefits:
You can schedule the lamp to come on at certain times, or when you’re on your way home, or even when triggered by another device, such as a motion sensor. If there’s an alarm event at your home, it can turn on automatically to deter an intruder.
Convenience: Smart plugs are great for automating everyday kitchen devices. You can start your day with your coffee machine already working, or your tea kettle already boiled. If you like to slow-cook, you can load up your Crock-Pot in the morning and switch it on with your smartphone from work.
Energy Savings: Smart plugs can put a dent in your energy bills by automatically turning off appliances like your TV and cable box, which consume energy in standby mode, when you’re not home. You can have them switch off when you arm your security system, in the same way that your smart thermostat sets back.