Key Elements of the Best Home Security System | Forest Security
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Key Elements of the Best Home Security System

What constitutes as the best home security system? The answer isn’t completely cut and dry. It depends on your needs and the size and layout of your home. However, there are certain key elements that should be considered a standard part of any effective home security system, no matter the unique qualities your home may possess.

So many home security companies promise to “be the best” by selling you every single offering that they have. While this may, in actuality, be the best system for your home, it might also be overkill and unnecessary – but a great way for them to make a profit off of you.

At Forest Security, our team can help you develop the appropriate package for securing your home by incorporating the key elements of the best home security systems, along with any additional components that might be well-suited to your security needs.

What to Look for in the Best Home Security System

Below are the key elements that you should expect from the best home security system, all of which Forest Security provides in our Complete Base System.

Door Contacts

Your doors are one of your home’s most vulnerable points and they need to be monitored. Your Forest Security System is designed to include a contact on every door in your home. When a door is opened, these contacts will trip a sensor, sending an immediate signal to the control panel for reporting, even if your system is off.

Motion Detectors

Motion detectors, as their name implies, detect motion using smart technology. These are an excellent, proactive element to a home security system. Depending on your needs and preferences, we provide both indoor and outdoor high technology motion detectors. Once a sensor is tripped on a Forest Security motion detector, you and our Central Monitoring Station will be alerted of the potential threat.

Control Panel

The best home security systems need a central access point of control within your home. This is where your control panel comes into play. Forest Security provides a color touch-screen control panel which acts as the security hub from which you can arm and disarm your system and manage all aspects of your system.

Keyfob Remote

A keyfob remote might sound like an optional luxury, but we consider it a key element of the best security systems. The reason for this is the ability to quickly perform crucial actions without the need to be by your control panel or mobile app. Our 4-button keyfob allows you to arm or disarm your security system, and with a single button, activate the siren and call our Central Monitoring Station. Keep your keyfob near you when you are sleeping or on the go for immediate response control in the palm of your hands.

Mobile App

Control over your security system from your smartphone is a must. Most people are already accustomed to the ease of access that smartphone technology provides. At Forest, we believe this should come standard with all systems. Similar to your home control panel, our mobile app will let you control most aspects of your home security while on the go, as well as receiving notifications and real-time alerts via text or email on system activity.

24/7 Monitoring

Security measures only go so far on their own to protect your home. To provide comprehensive coverage, you need to know that someone outside of your home is monitoring for threats and can contact the authorities when needed. This is the biggest difference between DIY security systems and professional security services. Our Central Station Monitoring facilities are standing by 24/7 to receive alerts of a violation or breach to your home and to dispatch the authorities when emergency situations arise. Our facilities are UL and Factory Mutual Listed, and Security Industry Association Certified facilities, meeting the strict standards set by each of the Governing Agencies in areas such as response time, staffing, training requirements, and automated record keeping.

Satisfaction Guarantee

One key element that is often lacking in a home security system is a satisfaction guarantee. Not only that, but you will typically find yourself locked into a contract that will cost you a substantial amount of time and/or money to get out of. At Forest Security, we believe in providing nothing but the highest quality of service and equipment to protect our customers. But if for some reason, you are not completely satisfied, we offer a 6 month money back guarantee for residential customers.

Customizable and Upgradeable Packages Complete the Best Home Security Systems

Any home security system worth its weight should offer the opportunity to customize and upgrade/downgrade your services when needed. We understand that circumstances change. What works for you today might not work for you 6 months from now.

At Forest Security, we start from the ground up with our customers, providing everyone with the key elements that we know are essential to protect your home. From there, our team of experts work with you to customize your security package, ensuring that you not only have the best protection for your home’s distinctive characteristics, but that you never pay for more than what you need.

And if down the road, your needs change, our packages are flexible and can accommodate that. To us, providing your home with a perfectly fit security system is the ultimate goal.

If you are like most of our customers, and wondering where to start, we recommend beginning with these base essentials, which is why they come standard with each security package we provide. During our free, no obligation evaluation, we will work with you to determine what additional components may be needed to provide the level of protection that you are comfortable with.

Contact Forest Security today either online or give us a call at 708-452-2000.


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