What is Smart Arming?
Smart Arming is a brand-new feature that intelligently arms and disarms Forest Security systems based on the activity of the user. This is much more than scheduled arming and disarming where the user sets a specific time each day for their system to auto arm and disarm. This feature takes it a step further and intelligently adapts to your changing schedule. Users choose the time of day they typically want their system armed at night (e.g., after 11 p.m.) and disarmed in the morning (e.g., at 7 a.m.), and then simply go about their daily routines. When the system detects inside activity or motion (such as when an early riser goes downstairs ahead of schedule at 6:15 a.m.), the system automatically disarms. Users can also choose a window of time to auto-disarm when activity is detected (e.g., between 5 a.m. and 12 p.m.), without a scheduled time to disarm. This intelligent adaptability reduces the risk of false alarms and makes home security significantly more convenient.
Sleep better at night knowing you alarm is set and on watch. Sleep better in the morning without false alarms accidentally tripped because forgetting to disarm the system. Your Forest Security system is always working hard behind the scenes to keep you safe, and prevent false alarms.
To enable Smart Arming using the Customer app:
- Log into the Customer app.
- Tap Security System.
- Tap Smart Arming.
- Tap Wake Up to enable the disarm feature.
- Tap Goodnight to enable the arm stay feature.